工作內容 :
一般營業代表工作,Respond promptly and effectively to customer inquiries through various channels such as instant messaging, emails, etc.;Handle and follow up on documents to ensure smooth operations;Update progress and task reports;Daily office admin work;Perform ad hoc duties as assigned
薪金 :
每月$15,000 - $20,000, 有雙糧, 銀行假期, 在職培訓 及年終獎金, 星期一至五: 上午9時至下午6時, 每週工作5...
要求學歷 :
中五程度; 良好粵語; 一般普通話; 良好英語優先; 懂讀寫中文; 懂讀寫英文; 懂電腦文書處理; 懂Microsoft Office; 具有一般互聯網知識; 懂英文打字; 懂倉頡/速成輸入法; Creative at work, Self-motivated, well-organized, able to work independently and under pressure
關鍵字 :
營銷員 ,
代表 ,
營業代表 ,
互聯網 ,
荔枝 ,
營銷 ,
Operation ,
report ,
荔枝角 ,
social media ,
營銷員 ,
operations ,
social ,
effect ,
Media ,
文書處理 ,
creative ,
ad hoc ,
Customer ,
admin ,