工作內容 :
負責有關電子測量工作, Support & perform equipment calibration and testing for a wide range of electronic, electrical, mechanical as well as temperature measuring instruments.
薪金 :
每月$15,000 - $20,000, 星期一至五: 上午8時半至下午6時, 每週工作5天
要求學歷 :
專上教育:副學位; 良好粵語; 一般普通話; 一般英語; 懂讀寫中文; 懂讀寫英文; Higher Diploma or above in Equivalent Field, Welcome fresh graduates.
關鍵字 :
Fresh ,
Welcome ,
assistant engineer ,
測量 ,
Technical Officer ,
Mechanical ,
Mechanic ,
助理工程師 ,
support ,
助理工程師 ,
technical ,
testing ,
assistant eng ,
fresh graduate ,
副學位 ,
electrical ,
助理工程 ,
assistant enginee ,
fresh grad ,