0.5 Hostel Assistant


0.5 Hostel Assistant

工作內容 :

負責協助照顧中輕度智障人士日常起居生活, 包括跟車, 入組及恆常院舍清潔。Prospective employee(s) undertaking work relating to mentally incapacitated persons will be required to undergo the Sexual Conviction Record Check on a voluntary basis.
薪金 :

每日$382.00, 有年假16天, 銀行假期, 醫療保險 及每年額外3天福利假, 上午7時至中午12時, 每週工作5天,輪休, 每天...

要求學歷 :

Primary 6; 1 Year(s) Experience Required; Fluent Cantonese ; Able to read & write Chinese


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