
To Kwa Wan


工作內容 :

On-site support/maintenance/quality control/ Testing/ fault inspection of computer hardware equipment or extra-low voltage (ELV) apparatus (具三年以上操作工程系統硬件維修相關經驗)
薪金 :

每月$16,000 - $24,000, 有年假10天, 銀行假期, 生日假, 酌情性花紅, 醫療保險, 婚假 及其他津貼/福利, 上...

要求學歷 :

Post-secondary (Sub-degree); 3 Year(s) Experience Required; Fluent Cantonese ; Fair Putonghua ; Fair English ; Able to read & write Chinese ; Able to read & write English ; Production Machine Maintenance; Green Card; Electricity Licence A; Electrica


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