Junior Climbing Tree Worker

H.K. Island

Junior Climbing Tree Worker

工作內容 :

斜坡上使用電油鏈鋸, 手鋸及及其他工具進行倒樹, 移除樹木及修樹, 清理現場, 打草
薪金 :

每月$15,000 - $17,000, 有超時工作津貼, 在職培訓, 晉升機會 及酌情性花紅, 星期一至六: 上午8時至下午6時, ...

要求學歷 :

Secondary 5; Fluent Cantonese ; Fair Putonghua ; Fair English ; Able to read & write Chinese ; Able to read & write simple English ; Green Card; Driving Licence Code 02 - Light Goods Vehicle; Priority and allowance will be provided to whom is willin


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