E-commerce Logistics Assistant


E-commerce Logistics Assistant

工作內容 :

·一般倉務工作, 如: 收貨、點貨、執貨、上架、發貨, 處理即時通訊軟件之客服工作, 管理所有商戶出入貨庫存, 搬運上/落貨及整理倉庫, 有需要時需外勤辦理取件或寄件

薪金 :

$13,500 - $14,500 per month, with Overtime Allowance $55 per hour, ...

要求學歷 :

Secondary 5; 1 Year(s) Experience Required; Fluent Cantonese preferred; Fair Putonghua ; Fair English ; Able to read & write Chinese ; Able to read & write simple English ; Word-processing; Microsoft Office; General Internet Knowledge; Eng/Chi PC operation; Basic Computer Operation Knowledge; 對網購有認識及觸覺, 有禮貌, 有責任感, 能獨立工作, 懂用電動唧車優先


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