工作內容 :
Perform routine maintenance and repairs for all crane equipment and workshop equipment; Assist in preparing and keeping maintenance and repair records; Attend all faults & emergency repair works and supervise the remedy as well as provide failures troubles shooting & technical diagnosis
薪金 :
每月$20,000 - $30,000, 有年假10天, 酌情性花紅, 醫療福利, 醫療保險, 婚假5天, 穿梭巴士服務, 有夜更工作...
要求學歷 :
專上教育:文憑/證書; 5年經驗; 一般粵語; 一般普通話; 一般英語; 懂讀寫中文; 懂讀寫英文; 持有電工A牌; (有醫療福利(包家屬),人壽保險)